  • 10% lift in conversion volume
  • 96% of campaigns spending within 10% of their monthly budget
  • 15 hours of weekly manual work eliminated
  • Consistently hitting CPA targets

Are you spending too much time managing a large number of budgets?

Could you get more from your campaigns by reallocating spend to top performers? Fusion92 asked these questions about their paid search program, and Marin had answers. Marin's performance management tools helped them save time and improve conversion volume.


The Fusion92 team has a client that provides non-clinical administrative services to private dental practices. The client manages the business side so the doctors can focus on serving patients. The client also offers search marketing services to help practices acquire new patients, and the Fusion92 team manages those paid search campaigns.

“Making mistakes with our client's budget isn’t something we can afford. With Marin, we’ve automated budget management, saving us 15 hours of manual work weekly and improving performance for our client’s campaigns.”

Tom Hammond
VP of SEM & e-commerce


Fusion92 manages paid search marketing for nearly 1,500 dental practices, each with unique goals and budgets. The programs combine brand and generic campaigns across traditional search and local campaigns. The team aims to spend the entirety of the monthly budget allotted for each office to maximize conversion volume. However, they must refund their client if they spend more than the allotted amount. They also want to get the most efficient CPAs possible.


Fusion92 now automates budget pacing and allocation with Marin. Each dental office’s campaigns are assigned to a Strategy with a corresponding budget. Once the budget is set, Marin’s powerful AI evaluates the marginal opportunity of each campaign and adjusts the campaign’s budgets and bidding targets to get the best overall performance for each office. Marin monitors each campaign's projected spend and CPA throughout the month, adjusting budgets and bids to ensure goals are hit. If a Strategy’s spend reaches the monthly budget, Marin automatically pauses its campaigns until the start of the following month to prevent overspend.


Fusion92 ran a test to measure the impact of Marin’s automation on performance. They picked 18 dental offices to test and compare to a control group of similar offices.

Throughout the two-month test, the test locations significantly outperformed the controls in terms of budget allocation and conversion volume. Before Marin, only 9% of campaigns were ending the month having spent within 10% of their target. With Marin, 96% of campaigns were on target.

Budget compliance is essential, but better allocation also leads to improved performance as the budget is shifted to higher-converting campaigns. The test group saw a 10% increase in conversion volume, while volume for the control group remained flat.

The results were so promising that the Fusion92 team scaled the solution out across all their client’s Google and Bing campaigns. Marin is now automating budget allocation and bidding for over 10,000 campaigns and counting. It’s been a year since the rollout, and not a single strategy has exceeded its monthly budget. What’s more, the Fusion92 team doesn’t have to worry about pacing anymore. This is great for their mental health and allows them to focus on strategic initiatives and scaling out new campaigns.