The Guardian calls car rental, “The most rage-inducing aspect of travel.” Drivy is helping to shake up the car rental industry and reduce stress by connecting drivers with empty cars, offering occasional drivers an alternative to car ownership and allowing car owners to cut down on car expenses.
Drivy is the leading carsharing platform in Europe, with 50,000 cars in 6 countries. Car-free urbanites use the app to find a car around the corner, open it with their phone and drive to where they need for a few hours to a few days. Drivy’s fleet is crowdsourced from private people who want to offset their cost, and professional fleet owners who are investing in mobility. Drivy is bringing fresh air to urban people, providing more freedom to move while using fewer cars and less parking space.
Marin helped unlock the power of Facebook’s algorithm by simplifying the A/B testing process. With their solutions, we were able to quickly identify impactful opportunities to improve our performance.
Drivy has a small social advertising team focused on acquiring new customers and owners through Facebook. Their marketing strategy was focused on reaching different customer segments with the right tailored message. As a rapidly growing company, they were challenged with launching in Belgium, Germany, France, Spain, and the UK.
The team was looking for a way to deliver the best possible results while taking on a broader set of responsibilities. They needed to be able to test different approaches efficiently and to identify winning segments as fast as possible—saving budget and time.
Drivy identified Marin Social as the platform that could help execute on their segment strategy across markets. Drivy adopted Marin Social’s suite of features to help social teams work at scale, including bulk creator, mass editor, and duplication. These tools enabled the team to ramp up activity and successfully scale in the five new target countries, without growing the team.
As the accounts grew and testing across segments continued, the Facebook accounts started to get complex and overwhelming. Marin’s Archive Manager allowed Drivy to keep the main working dashboard clean for at-a-glance performance optimization.
In addition to creative testing, Drivy understands how important it is to find the best optimization approach to achieve the best results. Marin Social’s flexible split testing feature allowed Drivy to A/B test optimization windows in France.The goal was to understand what optimization strategy—one-day or seven-day window—drives better performance. Drivy created two identical campaigns with only one variable to test: different optimization windows. The team then applied the split test to mutually exclude audiences to see what works and what doesn’t, without spending most of its France budget.
The experiment clearly showed that the one-day optimization window performed better. Drivy immediately saw a notable increase in efficiency:
- 20% higher CTR
- 7% lower CPC
- 8% lower cost per conversion
Based on the test results, Drivy shifted all campaigns to the one-day optimization window, and performance improved across the board.